Rakotzbrücke – Germany’s Circle Bridge (Snippet 38)


You might be curious where this bridge is?! Here’s a link to our latest blog post that has all the details: https://www.wildweroam.com/blog/rakot 

I don’t think I can properly express how happy this video makes me. I know I expressed a ton of gratitude in this video in a way we don’t normally do, just talking to the camera, but it felt so important for me to take the time to thank Lou for everything that he does for us. I know this channel just shows a sliver of our life, but it really is a reflection of our relationship, our goals, our dreams, our whole world really so it only felt right to let you guys in a little more than normal. In case any of you were worried, we made it back to Berlin on time and I just got my wrist checked out last week and everything is healing the way it should be! So this week I start physical therapy and the brace stays on another 6 weeks, then one more MRI to make sure everything is fine and then I’m FREE!!!! And it is kind of perfect timing because that is when our next adveture begins, but that is a story for another post : ) Back to the van!! So far I think my favorite thing about van life is the fact that it feels like its just Lou and I against the world. Don’t get me wrong we’re both social creatures.. me more than him 🙂 and meeting people along the way on our travels brings us so much joy, but there’s something about this adventurous lifestyle where we get to wake up and decide what the day is going to look like, where we’re going to go, what video we’re going to film and it feels like we are finally in a space were we can put all our attention and focus onto Wild We Roam. I know this trip was just a little taste of the future, but I can’t even fathom how this channel is going to develop over the next 12 months as we really sink into a completely van based life! Question of the Week: When you travel what is the top of your list? 1) Places to photograph 2) Restaurants 3) Museums 4) fill in the blank


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